understanding to those who do not know, refuse to know or are definitely against anything they do not undere stand. It is unfortunate, but the most bigoted are in the policy-making groups of this nation. They should be informed. Fictional stories are fine for the grat- ification of the TV reader, but are of no value to the "outsider". More is needed to awaken him to the real- ization that here is a dedicated group who want recog- nition and who, banded together, will not be denied.
I am engaged and will marry soon. If my man turns out to be a TV I shall not deny him the privilege of pursuing his pleasure (discreetly, of course). I do not think he is of a TV inclination, but if he is I shall not love him less for it. I think too much of individ- ual freedom to ever hold that against anyone. No free- om is ever gained without a fight; nor should it ever be taken away without the same honor.
I think the transvestite need not apologize to any- one if he is well-behaved otherwise......I am not con- cerned with the problems of TVism but of FREEDOM. This is guaranteed by the 1,5, and 14th amendments but not the freedom to be irresponsible Each TV must make up his own mind as to his own acts. The changing of clothing doesn not make any difference to the law, but the actions when in this condition are sharply judged. No amount of bad conduct will be tolerated, nor should it be. There is no need. This applies to the TV who does not look sufficiently feminine to appear in public without causing a disturbance, even if it is the innocent one of just being laughed at. This TV will always be in trouble. He must learn that it is better to stay in the safety of his home. Call me harsh and narrow-minded but I do not approve of any TV going about in public unless he is ab- solutely sure he shant be detected. Getting picked up is only a matter of "vagrancy" or "public disturbance", and the law is clearly in the right. It does nothing. good to be picked up for the pradtice of TVism. I am in deep sympathy with those who cannot go out, but there are things we must all forego. The ratio of TVs who could go out and "get away with it"in N.Y. is very small.